When we realize…
When we accept…
When we come to believe…
When the light goes on…
When it finally clicks….
What is behind the word WHEN?
How do we get to that place called WHEN?
WHEN refers to a time in the future that something changes, happens, shifts. What leads up to WHEN and what happens afterward?
Prior to reaching that tipping point, we each go through our own internal analysis of the ideas and/or experiences that surround us. We test, challenge, prod, question until we are comfortable to concede to its reality. The second this happens or “WHEN” it happens, a new word appears: THEN.
THEN refers to a subsequent action that takes place. We do or think or act differently from the prior moment and each moment thereafter.
What happens from that point forward is we tend to question ourselves or forget what brought us to that point of reaching “WHEN”, so we revisit the journey repeatedly. But because we have the true experience of living on the other side of WHEN, we can quickly return to where we left off and proceed with life accordingly.
The profound thing with the word WHEN is that it has an endless energy about it. It never stops working, driving us, pushing us to become something more.
WHEN did You realize that?
Just a Thought…