Will Power | Just A Thought

Will Power

Jesus said, “I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30).

One simple sentence that has the power to transform a person’s life! By a simple change in focus our lives will have purpose, power, peace, and a place in eternity.

We all seek the will of someone. Beneath what we call selfishness or being self-centered is our desire to be accepted, loved, and cared for. It manifests in subtle ways like when we drive certain cars, dress certain ways, act in certain manners, and socialize with certain people – all to manage our image to the wills of people like our bosses, our significant others, our friends, our parents, our colleagues, pastors, and our neighbors. Not sure if you believe me. Just stop long enough to check the motives behind your actions and you will get a glimpse of what I’m saying. The odd thing is that, for the most part, those we are seeking approval from generally don’t care that much about us for they too, are seeking the same thing for themselves. Therefore, we call it self-centeredness.

We can never run away from self. We can only decide if we will try and control it ourselves or submit to the will of another. Submitting your will over to the care of another is the most vulnerable, fearful and yet trusted action we can take. So, before we trust our will to another person, we need to assess the character of the person we submit to. Consider for a moment…would you submit to someone who has the following resume?

  • Creator of the universe
  • Creator of mankind
  • Most powerful in the world
  • Has overcome evil
  • Most compassionate
  • Wisest
  • Strongest
  • Most loving
  • Can part seas
  • Can cause fire from heaven
  • Can turn water into wine
  • Can raise people from the dead
  • Can heal people
  • Who owns the world’s largest mansion?
  • Who can walk on water
  • Who can multiply food to feed the masses
  • Who would sacrifice His life for someone?

Or would you submit your self-will to another person? What does their resume read like? If the answer is so obvious then why so difficult to do? What argument could really stand up to the facts before you? There is only one decision that everything boils down to that would steer you away. That is a matter of trust.

Do you trust the resume of God or don’t you?

One decision, a single moment, what will you do? Don’t worry – you will get multiple times in your day to answer this question as life has a way of bringing it to the forefront.

Just a Thought…