An Opportunity to Feel Blessed

“When some basic need is lacking — time, energy, money— consider yourself blessed.” – Sarah Young

Jesus is calling: How often do you refer to blessings as something you are lacking? In this world we strive for more and always say what a blessing something is, while surveying all that we have. Is that to say that the accumulation of things or relationships or stature are not a blessing from God? Not at all.

We know God is always about the matter of the heart, so why is it that the lack of something can produce the feeling of being blessed? We know that we would consider not receiving something negative or bad for us. But it could also be a blessing of protection, such as the bad news from the doctor that never comes. But what about the things we desire to happen or that we feel we need, like time, energy, food, employment, money, love, friendship, forgiveness, companionship, justice?

The lack of these things does not create the same emotions that we associate with the word blessing. Feelings of joy, excitement, anticipation, accomplishment, warmth, security, fairness, peace or comfort. When lacking the worldly things we claim we need, we experience fear, doubt, insecurity, inferiority, guilt, shame, worry, anxiety, low self-esteem, anger, resentment. Yet, God calls this an opportunity to feel blessed.

Have you been there? Have you come to that very point where in your deepest despair or emptiness, you sense something of wonder? The sensation of unexplainable peace, warmth, comfort, security, confidence in something beyond your control? These feelings are greater than those of those associated with what we called blessings in the arena of plenty.

When we attempt to describe the word blessing, we limit God. For we can only conjure up in our minds what we have known. Yes, we feel great when we eat well, are financially secure, physically well, feel safe, and are surrounded by loving relationships.

Would we in our limited minds ever have come up with mana from heaven, parting of seas, raising the dead, turning water into wine, walking on water, calming of storms, having the sun stand still, casting out of demons, giving sight to the blind, voices from a burning bush, a virgin birth? All of these are the bigger miracles of life. The ones that are so much larger than a job, a house, car, money, education, position, and even food, clothing, and shelter.

And it was only in times of our weaknesses did we get to experience the true power of God. So now we can understand when Paul said:

2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Just a Thought…