A Personal Inventory | Just A Thought

A Personal Inventory

Personal inventory:

It’s that time of year to stop everything a take a personal inventory and spiritual check-up one would say. Remember that this is a journey.

Here a few questions you might ponder along the way:

  1. Do I know Jesus Christ as my personal savior?
  2. Am I spending time with God each day through prayer, reading the Bible, or serving others?
  3. Am I more loving, forgiving, and accepting of others and myself?
  4. Have I become more generous with my money, possessions, talents, and my time?
  5. Have I confessed my sins that I’m aware of to God?
  6. Am I more at peace with God?
  7. Do my friends, children, family, and spouse or loved one, know they are loved by me?
  8. Am I growing closer to God or farther away from Him?

Wherever you see yourself needing to grow, seek God to help you.
