God has pointed out that He has an abundance of everything we need; resources, forgiveness, mercy, grace, power, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, joy, and restraint, enough so that there is an unending supply. He is searching for people who will be willing to share these things with other people, so He can further His kingdom here on earth.
The problem is that we are hoarders! The simplest form in which we see this is with our money. We may even tithe but even that is a mind game. We hesitantly write those checks, so we must learn to open up our grip on money. This comes from a fear that we will run out and don’t trust God that He will replenish our resources. However, He says He will but not on a one for one basis, but in a multiplying effect.
What we don’t recognize so easily is our hoarding of things like our time, our love, our patience, our grace, our mercy, for we subconsciously feel we will run out of these as well.
Have you ever said, I just don’t have any more to give? I have no more time to share or love to give out or I’m out of patience? This may be true when we rely on ourselves to be the producer and supplier of these resources. Yet, when we turn to God as our true resource, He who has an abundance of all we need and who will gladly restore our supply. This pleases God as He can see His resources being put to work. When He says He will fill our cup till it overflows, He means it! He is giddy with anticipation when He gets the opportunity to share more of what He has. What parent doesn’t want to bless their children?
So be generous, give as much away of yourself as you can. You will find freedom and joy in doing so. Pay no attention to Satan’s whisper telling you that you better hang on to that forgiveness, that love, that dollar for it might be your last. Give freely. For giving is living.
Just a Thought…