Adversities. We all know what they look like or feel like. Have we ever known a person who has escaped adversity in their life? Indeed, it seems as if some experience more than others or the severity is greater for one than the other.
Adversity comes from being alive in this world. If you have breath in your lungs, adversity will find you. Adversity comes from being in relationship with other human beings or from nature where we have no control or from our physical bodies that are designed to shut down after a period of time.
Adversity is part of life. We strive to avoid it as much as possible. We build stronger buildings to protect us from the elements. We eat healthy and exercise to help our bodies fight against decay. We express love and forgiveness and charity to build strong relationships. Yet we know that adversity has no favorites, no religion, no political or social status preference. It is for everyone to experience.
Then why, as Christians, do we feel that we are to be exempt from adversity and show surprise when it comes our way? There was no fine print or misrepresentation by God when He asked us to follow Him. In fact, He boldly declared that adversity will come. Yet, God did promise us that if we stay close to Him, He will give us what we need to persevere through it. He made this claim with authority as He has overcome all adversity in the world.
“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
We set ourselves up for disappointment by thinking when we gave our life to Christ that somehow adversity would skip over us. When we do this, we spend much time trying to figure out why God would let this happen to us. He never promised this. We made this up on our own. However, if we just accept the fact that adversity will come our way as it does for all people, we can concentrate on being close to God to endure it.
The good news is we are given access to the only true physician that gives what we need. He prescribes taking a dose of his Son, Jesus, every moment of the day. If we do so, we will find relief from our adversity. There is nothing Christian or non-Christian about adversity or the fact that we will grow in character by enduring. The only fine line is who or what you will turn to that will help you along the way.
Will you choose an addiction, another religion, a positive mental attitude, or meditation? You will eventually choose something. But in the end, you will find that only God can carry you through it.
Just a Thought…