Being Known | Just A Thought

Being Known

“All social interchange between human beings is a response of personality to personality; grading upward from the most casual brush between man and man to the fullest, most intimate communion of which the human spirit is capable. Religion, so far as it is genuine, is in essence the response of created personalities to the creating personality, God. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” – Book: The Pursuit of God. AW Tozer

Who are you in the deepest relationship with? Who knows you the best of anyone, your most inner thoughts, your deepest emotions, your worst fears, your passions, longings, desires? And in truth, do they really know everything about you? Are there things about you that you have not shared for you are still after all these years withholding while building trust?

Do we realize that upon each step toward another person, yielding our personality, we build deepening relationships that can last a lifetime? The speed by which this develops is totally up to the two parties choosing to be vulnerable. However, with God, it is different. For He knows us better than we know ourselves. Nothing is hidden from Him. He starts at the end of the relationship by immediately giving us His entire love and being. He withholds nothing. The relationship only grows by our willingness to spend time with Him, to know that He knows our fears, sins, pain, inadequacy and sadness. He also knows what we need to experience love, joy and peace.

He removes the need to earn His love, to justify or manipulate our way with Him. He gives us space and is not smothering yet always longs to be with us . Although the relationship can never be equal in nature, He never lords his divinity over us yet protects us, provides for us and comforts us.

Think about the gap between the level of being known by your closest relationships and being known by God. Man, at best, can know another to the level of their own vulnerability and capacity which can never match up to that of God’s.

Draw near to God and yet know it’s not a matter of Him knowing you, it is a matter of you getting to know Him. Talk with Him about who He is, what He likes, what His plans are, His hopes and dreams. Ask Him what He likes to do, what breaks His heart, and what brings Him joy. Think of ways of celebrating with Him on key days like Easter and Christmas and mourn with Him on Good Friday.

Pick up His book and read about him. Sing songs to Him. Write Him letters and go for casual walks or just hang out with Him and enjoy the sunset.

Get to know Him.

Just a Thought…