The Battle Begins | Just a Thought by Rich LeBrun

The Battle Begins

1Kings 11:1-4 Solomon’s Wives 11 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2 They were from nations about which the Lord had told...

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Lead with no doubts | Just a Thought by Rich LeBrun

Lead with No Doubts

Genesis 1:1-24 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth….. In these initial verses, God is a creator. He has a thought in mind as He begins to implement, design, and build this thought into reality. Each step...

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It’s all in the turn | Just a Thought by Rich LeBrun

It’s all in the turn

Seek first the kingdom of God…… God, I hear you say that each time I turn towards you that I am working the program per se. It is not the formula of how or when or what song or book or sermon or posture or prayer or a...

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A new day | Just a Thought by Rich LeBrun

A new day

Depressed, oppressed, regress and all the rest This is how I feel my day looks like Where are you Lord to rescue me from this deep pit of despair? I look heavenward and my eyes begin to see that you are right here and holding my...

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The Race

As I cross the line to see you face to face Jesus will I be exhausted from running the race or will I run into your arms in full embrace? As I approach the final turn I can see your eyes reminding me of all I have learned I am...

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The Beauty in Grey

“Do not judge a day void of joy just because in contains difficulties.” I look out my window today and I see a gray sky, feel a chilling wind, getting a sense of gloominess. I don’t physically see joy. I think about work. I...

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Things are about to change

Imagine yourself to be living over two thousand years ago and it’s the night before Jesus was born. For thousands of years, your people have been told the Messiah would be coming. Maybe your family prayed every night for this...

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