Very tempting | Just A Thought

Very Tempting

Matthew 4:1-11 The Temptation of Jesus “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And the tempter came and said to him...

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Was God Wrong? | Just A Thought

Was God Wrong?

Job 40:8 “Will you even put me in the wrong? Will you condemn me that you may be in the right?” Lord, every time I question my life and doubt You, I make You wrong by saying I know better how things should be. I can’t serve...

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Who Knows?

Who knows? Why dread this day? Is there any reason that I should not find joy in this day? I know this day will have trials, some big, some small, yet I know of none too big that Jesus didn’t already overcome. So, if I look a...

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The Closer He Gets | Just A Thought

The Closer He Gets

Have you heard people say that they don’t feel God is close to them?  Or pray for God to come into this place or don’t have a sense of God’s presence?  Scripture tells us that God is always with us and will never leave us...

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Just a Moment | Just A Thought

Just a Moment

It has been said that we have approximately 70,000 thoughts a day. That is about one thought every .81 seconds. It is also been said that we can only have one thought at a time. First, a little math: If you sleep 8 hours a day...

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What Else? | Just A Thought

What Else?

In your quiet time I hear you say “Lord please help me, for I need a place to stay” Then you answered, Lord; “I will lead you to this place you yearn for.” Will this be all you need now, or will there be more? The next...

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Please | Just A Thought


I attended a funeral the other day which caused me to wonder what is going on in the mind of God in these times? What must it be like to watch your child pass away? Knowing that they refused to believe in what you told them would...

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