Cease Fire | Just a Thought by Rich LeBrun

Cease Fire

Cease fire is when all parties agree that for a period of time, they will lay down their weapons in order to give time to consider other options or pay respect to a belief or religion 

Can you picture that moment?

For days, weeks or even years you have been geared up, adrenaline flowing, anxious and angry thoughts preoccupied your mind, afraid, tense, and stressed for everyday up and up until that day before the cease fire.

Now for a period of time you can take a breath, set the weapon down and regroup your thoughts. A sigh comes over you. Rest and healing comes over your body. You focus your thoughts on good memories.

For a short period, you forget what the battle was about and it loses its significance.

Now imagine if for one day we could all take a cease fire.

We could stop…
Hating each other
Hurting each other
Judging each other
Fighting each other
Coveting each other’s things
Lying to each other
Taking from each other
Betraying each other
Oppressing one another
Lording over one another
Powering up on each other
Competing with one another

But during that time, we could:
Love one another|
Serve one another
Support one another
Give to each other
Speak truth to each other
Share with each other
Be at peace with one another

I can sense a sigh come over us. We can breathe and start clearly seeing God’s creation all around us. Our hearts would soften, joy and laughter would appear, and hope would be restored. This will last until the cease fire is lifted. Then back to the battle. 

The question is will you pick up your weapon or will you say you have had enough of this crazy war?

I encourage you to call your own cease fire today.

Be still and know that he is God.


Just a Thought…