DidGodReallySay | Just A Thought

Did God Really Say…?

Genesis 3:1

Did God really say…? That was the million-dollar question. Satan must have contemplated for some time what would he say to his very first encounter with God’s newly created person.

Did God really say…

That He is God

That He loves us

That He will protect us

To trust Him

Not to lie

Not to gossip

Not to steal

Not to covet

To be still

To be kind

To be at peace

Not to worry

Not to be anxious

To do good

To hate evil

Not to love money

To give to the poor

To help the widow and orphan

To be strong

To be courageous

There will be troubles, but he overcame these

To be patient

To love your spouse

Not to exasperate your children

To train up ourselves

He will give us joy

To live life fully

He will give us a way out of temptation

We will have eternal life if we believe in Jesus

To speak truth

To guard our minds

He will never leave us

He dwells inside us

To love our enemies

To work as if he was our boss

To give freely

He will provide for us

Not to worship other gods

He forgives us

He is a jealous God

He will come for us

To spread His word

To confess our sins

Not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil

I will give you my peace

I am the way, the truth, the life

Where your heart so is your treasure

I will turn all things for good for those love me

To speak truth in love

If He did really say these things, what does that mean for you?

Just a Thought…