Psalms 53:2-3
God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all fallen away; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
When I read this verse, I have a strange sense of comfort in that I know that I’m not the only one who sins. Yet this am, I looked at this verse from God’s perspective and how disappointed and frustrated he must be. I can hear him saying (if he were to think like a human) “are you kidding me after all the things I have done for and given my people you mean to say there is not one person on earth that does good? “Ugh?”
The sad truth is this is true. We think, of course, there are people who do good. Yes, there are people who do incremental acts of good yet in the deepest parts of a person’s soul resides sin. We can donate, serve, even express love on the outside, yet inside we can harbor hatred, lust, pride, and more.
Paul was right when he said he could do nothing apart from Christ. This didn’t mean he couldn’t do a task but rather he couldn’t get his heart right without the help of Jesus. Yet with Jesus, we can live in duplicity, our sinful body and our forgiven soul. Jesus had to die for our sins, there was no other way out for us.
Now we have been made right before God, we can come home back to him, but he asks that we help him let others know about this pathway to redemption before we leave this earth.
Jesus bridges the gap this verse between our reading it and God’s perspective.
Just a Thought…