God says to stay focused on Him and He will equip us to do anything we ask for — as long as it is His will. When I first heard this, I felt God was being controlling: He gave us free will, but only His will can be done. But as I thought about it, I realized indeed, God did give us free will. We absolutely do not have to choose to follow Him. But if we do, then He has a plan to follow.
It’s like accepting a job somewhere and then deciding you are not going to follow the rules. Then you’re surprised when you are fired — even though all along you had the freedom to leave and work somewhere else. Before signing up for God’s plan or taking a certain job, we should do our homework.
What is this will of God that He says we must follow? God’s will, as I understand it:
Do not worry
Love your spouse
Love your neighbor
Love your enemy
Be debt free
Speak truth in love
Treat your body like a temple
Serve one another
Give to those in need
Take care of the poor
Take care of widows
Train your children in the way of Jesus
Build each other up
Confess your sins to each other
Do not antagonize your children
Give a tenth of your income to the church
Work with excellence as if working for God
Obey your authorities
Respect your parents
Seek wisdom as if it were gold
Be strong
Be courageous
Be kind
Be gentle
Forgive those who persecute you
Trust Him with all your heart
Not to gossip
Not to complain
Not to steal
Not to covet
Not to love anything more than Him
He says if you follow His will, you will receive:
Eternal life with no suffering, pain, doubt, insecurity, ailments, disability, fear or worry
Peace that transcends all understanding
His strength
Overflowing joy
Unconditional love
Abundance of His blessings
All of your needs met
Part of a family
His companionship
His faithfulness
His power to overcome the trials in the world
The deepest desires of your heart
Exciting life
The ability to witness miracles
You will find you can’t out-give Him
Is this something you want to sign up for?
You will sign up for something, so lay your other choice beside this one and then decide. At least then you will know that you made the decision, free will, to go where you wish. But whatever choice you make you will be asked to follow the leader’s will.
I wish you well in your search.
Just a Thought…