Everything New Under The Sun | Just A Thought

Everything New Under the Sun

Every day is a new day.

Are there times when you think today is just the same as yesterday and tomorrow will be the same as today?  Do you ever think that nothing ever changes, that maybe the rut of routine is dragging you down?

Maybe even stolen your joy for the day?
You might be saying to yourself,
Same old boring job
Same old house that needs repair
Same addiction that I can’t beat
Same old argument that I have with my spouse
Same depressed feelings that I can’t seem to shake
Same town I live in

Nothing is going to change, I’m bored, I’m depressed, I don’t care anymore, everything just looks grey to me.

At times, life just appears to be blah, boring, just plain, not exciting anymore. Yet, if we would turn right instead of left down that same street we have traveled for the last ten years, or drive to a town we never saw before, or try a different food, say hi to a new person, watch a different movie, put our clothes on in a different order, change the radio station, go out of the house at different times of the day, we would find that every day, every moment of every day, is new and exciting. The world is ever changing right in front of us!

New songs are sung, pictures painted, babies born, flowers planted, people relocating, homes built, technology invented, books written, mysteries being unveiled. It has been said there is nothing new under the sun. I say there is something new under the sun every second of the day.

We are new every second just by breathing and walking this earth. Every step we take can be different if we look at change in the simplest term. A new idea crosses your mind, a taste of food, a simple paint stroke, a note changes in a melody, a physical experience, an emotional response, a sound, a breeze across your face, everything is new. In fact, it is impossible for things to stay the same. Our mere existence as humans and creations profound reality will not allow it.

Try it and see. Stand still, without a thought, without an action, and see what changes around you.

Life can be full of anticipation if we look for changes rather than trying to contain it. The attempt to contain only creates stress; embracing it brings excitement.

Psalm 5:3

“Morning by morning I lay my request before you and wait expectantly.”

Lamentations 3:22-23

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.”

The next step you take, the next word out of your mouth, the next thought, breath, touch, sound, emotion, or prayer can be and is something new.

Embrace it.

SIT QUIETLY WITH ME, letting all your fears and worries bubble up to the surface of your consciousness. There, in the Light of My Presence, the bubbles pop and disappear.

Jesus Calling: Don’t hold fear and worry down. Let it ride in the light of Christ. Pray, talk with someone, write it, sing it, paint it. Just don’t contain it.

Lord, as I write this, I too, sit at a crossroad. Will I choose joy and anticipation about my next move or fear and worry? The move is coming regardless.

I see my job, my spouse, my possessions, relationships, faith, all in a new light.

This day is for trouble and excitement. The good news, God has taken care of the trouble and at the same time, delivers something new to enjoy.

I say everything is new under the sun!!!
