From God’s Seat | Just A Thought

From God’s Seat

I sit in my chair and list my prayers giving them to God. I then think of the hundreds of millions of other people all doing the same today; prayers about family, health, financial, relationships, etc.  I stopped to think about God receiving all these prayers and diligently trying to answer each one. Heal this person, find employment for that person, fix this relationship.  On and on it goes.

God knows that if He were to grant all prayers today that tomorrow because of our sinfulness, we would create a whole new set of problems to pray for. Although God can and does at times answer surface prayers, He tells us how to go beyond these matters to reach the richest answer to prayers which are love, peace, compassion, contentment, and ultimately eternal life.

He even went to the extent of sending Jesus to die for the sins behind these prayers to remove them forever.

God, you truly do know us and love us.

Read God’s promises, find where He come up short? I dare you!

Just a Thought…