God’s Love For Me

God’s love is endless and without limit.  There is not one thing I can do or not do that would increase or decrease God’s love for me.  His love is always operating at full capacity and has no shut off valve.

We, on the other hand, keep insisting that there must be a way to earn or lose his love for us. We must remember that His ways are higher than ours as the heavens are above the earth.  This doesn’t mean we won’t experience the consequence of our sin but it does mean God will be with us in full love to help us through them. No judgement, no condemnation, no guilt, no shame just pure love.

I used to say God I love you but…as a means of prayer.

Yet I also say GOD loves me but…and throw in my sins.  It would sound like this.

God, I know you love me, but you saw my anger (add any sin you want) the other day.  God responds I did see it and am sorry your heart was in such a place, and I think it would be good that you reconcile with your wife however I love you son more than you know and I am with you. Just grab hold of my hand.

God, I know you love me but…

My greed

My fear

My lust

My gossip

My anxiety 

My control

My doubt

My impatience 

My rudeness

My prejudice 

My addiction 

My lying

My cheating 

My resentment 

My ego

My boasting 

My selfishness 

My self-centeredness 

My stinginess 

My haughtiness

My oppressiveness 

God always responds the same. He wishes we didn’t have to experience any of these behaviors yet knows we are sinful in our core being and need his spirit to transform us. The good news is that His spirit brings to light these are sins in God’s eyes and He is there to help us.

Jesus died on the cross for all sins, past, present and future. If that were not true, it would mean Christ would have to return to the cross daily to forgive all future sins.

God put an end to any attempt on our part to be reconciled to him by works. Jesus said on the cross “it is finished”.  God opened the gate to his unconditional love through our acceptance of Jesus as our savior.

We will never be free of sin this side of heaven, but we are free from the guilt and shame and are free to walk in God’s love, grace and mercy.

When we say but God, He says “yep, I know but I still love you.”

Just a Thought