In His Image | Just A Thought

In His Image

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

God could have chosen to make man in the image of anything he wanted… 

A tree

A horse

A mountain

A bug

A star

But he chose His image to make man in.  If that is the case, what then is God’s image?  By just looking at the first 26 verses of Genesis, we know that:

God was plural with Jesus and the Holy Spirit 

He was creative

He was powerful

He was a visionary

He had a plan

He was organized 

He had everything interconnected; one relying on the other 

He was vast

He was meticulous 

He was scientific

He was all-knowing 

He was resourceful

He was a team player 

He added us to his team

He delegated authority

He was methodical

He was a decision-maker

He was caring

He enjoyed his work

He was observant 

He was omnipresent

He was omniscient 

He made everything good

He rested 

He was patient 

He was empowering 

He was with emotion

So, we too are these things if we are made in his image.  The fact that we sinned doesn’t change the fact that we are still made in his image.  We didn’t create ourselves.  We belong to God.

The one thing God chose not to make us in his likeness was the knowledge of good and evil.  He knew we couldn’t handle it.

Genesis 2:17

“but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

Satan knew this and used it to say, of course, God wants you to be like him, he made you in his image, didn’t he?

Genesis 3:5

For God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Satan always points out the things we don’t have or that we have not accomplished.  He is always chipping away at our self-worth.

God set the standard day one, we are like him. Every day thereafter Satan tells us we are less than that. He is a liar.

Jesus was the answer to fill the gap between our sinfulness and our being made in the image of God.  God never got a chance beyond day one in the garden to spend with us in the pureness of how he created us, without sin.  He knows how he made each of us, he knows we are made like him and deep inside we each long for him. He too longs to have us come home. He will not rest again until that day.


Just a Thought…