InTheMoment | Just A Thought

In the Moment

Luke 12:25

25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?

What would it be like to just live in the moment?

It sounds nice and is portrayed as being something good. I understand this perspective when I consider everything outside the moment as creating regret, worry, anxiety, stress or fear. But what about when the actual moment is all these things? Imagine if in the moment, you are being tortured or harmed or injured or received bad news? Don’t you want to be anywhere else but “in the moment”?

Is there something even more immediate, more conscious, than the moment that could elevate us out of it, even the most difficult times?

What was Jesus focused on in his moments of being flogged, ripped apart, mocked, spit on? Where was he mentally?

Are moments broken down to split seconds? Was Jesus in between each moment of the whip slashing across his back, in total focus on God?

The Bible talks about people like Stephen being stoned to death or Daniel in the lions’ den. God can meet us in the exact seconds of each moment to help us endure the most trying and painful of times.

Isn’t it in those exact single seconds of time when we decide if God is real? Don’t we cry out to Him?

For someone outside the faith — as well as those who are seasoned veterans — these moments can be defining moments in your relationship with God. Just like Brother Lawrence, the more you practice you have with being present with God, the readier you will be for the next moment!

When you string enough moments together where you are present with God, it becomes a state of peaceful being. There’s no looking forward or back — you’re just being in the moment.

Just a Thought…