Seek first the kingdom of God……
God, I hear you say that each time I turn towards you that I am working the program per se.
It is not the formula of how or when or what song or book or sermon or posture or prayer or a combination of all the above.
It is ALL the above in that you chose to turn period.
Everything after the turn is secondary.
The how or why is not the purpose. It is that you chose to turn towards me.
Once you turned it is there that you find me. It is in the turn you see that I never left you and you experience my presence and faithfulness.
I know sometimes you are hanging on a thread when you turn to me and it took everything you had to surrender, whereas other times you turned boldly expecting I would be there. Either way, you turned.
Stop worrying about all the ways people have told you the best way to be with me. There is only one best way, and that is just to turn to me.
Faith is that simple. The world has tried to make it so hard. If I had wanted a special way to get you to turn, I would have told you. However, then it would turn into obedience or ritual or discipline.
Those all may be good but what I want is surrender.
The fraction of a second where you decided to turn is the beauty of our relationship. It is there that you gave me all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Oh, by the way, remember that I never asked you to turn to leave and turn away, your welcome to stay with me forever.