Can you believe we have gotten to a place in life where we need a watch on our arm to tap us to remind us to breathe?
That’s right, Apple Watch is designed to do just that. If you read some of the reasons people find this helpful it is almost laughable.
People say they appreciate the watch reminding them because they are so busy or wrapped up in a project or event that they actually forget to breathe.
I laughed at this until recently I was at a Doobie Brothers concert and was so tensed up inside, I had to tell myself to breathe. I forgot.
Of course, I was already breathing or otherwise I would have been dead. Yet I was not taking in enough oxygen and didn’t realize it until my body sent up the warning sign.
Do we really need to be told to breathe? Or do we really need to understand better what’s going on inside of us that causes us not to breathe? I’m confident there are medical reasons that we stop breathing and we need to address these.
Yet I believe the fact that we don’t breathe due to hurry, anxiety, intense thought, depression fear and more, tells me we just lost sight of the important things of life.
The old saying stop and smell the roses, comes to mind.
Have we come to the point where we have let the trials and tribulations of the world overwhelm us enough to have us forget to breathe?
For me at the concert I determined I was brooding over a resentment I was carrying.
I couldn’t let it go and excessively dwelt on it.
Once I recognized I wasn’t breathing I did stop, took a few deep breaths, reminded myself I was at a fun concert with my wife and to let go of my resentment, is when I was able to breathe again and enjoy the rest of the evening.
We hold on to or hold down so many stresses in our life today that at times they strangle us.
We need to slow down each day, take a few deep breaths and come before God. There we can find our inner peace and put life back into perspective.
I don’t need a watch to tell me to breathe. I need to stay in touch with God throughout the day and I will then breathe fine.
Throw the watch away, pick up the Bible, sing a praise song or recite scripture and see how God breathes life back into you.
Breathe in God and breathe out the world.
Just a Thought…