More than a Memory | Just A Thought

More Than a Memory

As Augustine put it, “You ascended from before our eyes and we turned back grieving, only to find you in our hearts.” What a beautiful quote. This we could say about most loved ones we have lost. We carry memories of these loved ones in our hearts forever.

Yet there is something significantly different with Jesus. That is the fact that Jesus is much more than a wonderful memory. He is more than someone we talk to in our quiet moments when all alone. When we pour out our hearts and souls or share our greatest victory with those embedded in our memories, we find the conversation, as sweet as it is, leaves us still alone. Yet when we engage with Jesus, we receive something back from Him. For our conversations are interactions with a living God. We can expect to receive tangible results. Not just peace of mind or comfort. We can experience real life transformation, physical and behavioral change, material blessings and true companionship.

Real things happen as if Jesus was physically standing with us wherever we are. There is no unanswered prayer. All prayers are answered according to God’s timing and desired results which is always in our best interest and His. The profoundness of this is overwhelming and almost unexplainable to those who are not believers. We never need to search or call ahead or schedule an appointment. God is always with us. For it is not God who doesn’t show up. Rather it is us who forget to experience His presence. In our busyness, we get caught up in ourselves and ignore our friend sitting next to us.

Yet when a need arises, we think “I can’t wait to get home or go to church or go to our favorite place to meet up with Jesus.” So, we drive home with great anticipation all along, missing the fact that He never left our side. Jesus is not a destination. He is the journey. Heaven is the destination. Jesus is the driver to take us there.

Just a Thought…