Romans 8:21-22
“That the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.”
Creation’s corruption and groaning,
Terrorism wreaking havoc
Politics expressing hatred
Sex scandals and abuse rampant
Financial greed causing distrust
Pornography in every home
Random killings even in sacred places
Nuclear threats overhead
The U.S. in debt over its head
Sex trafficking a number one crime
Divorce at 50%
Gay and transgender movement front and center
Faith in God losing ground
Prayer removed from school
Fear and anxiety at an all-time high
Racial tension brewing
Natural disasters sweeping across the country
Addictions taking no prisoners
Technology stealing the minds of our children intentionally
I now see the groaning of creation trying to shake off the filth of the dirt these things bring.
Oh, for the day that the Lord returns to restore His world.
We cry out, return father, yet He still seeks those who are lost.
As much as we see the ugliness of the world all around us, if we stay still long enough, we will see that there is another world in the midst of all this darkness. We can see God at work, transforming lives. We can see the best of humanity come out in the worst of tragedies. We see bold statements of generosity overshadowing greed, we see peace that transcends our understanding in those who follow Christ. We notice the sun still rises, beautiful sunsets still paint the sky, stars still guide us, blue still backdrops beautiful clouds, birds fly freely, wind blows at will and trees still stretch their limbs toward heaven. With all the death that surrounds us a simple birth of a child restores our joy. Love still works as the ultimate medicine for the heart, a smile can still break the most stubborn, and a helping hand always soothes the soul.
Yes, we wait and cry out for Jesus to quickly return and yet we wait in patience through hope.
Romans 8:25
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.