Step One. | Just A Thought

Step One


I lay here this morning and I awake with my mind filled with anxious, as well as godly thoughts. Interspersed in between are thoughts about the tasks of the day ahead.

What happens when a person sleep? Does the mind shut down for, immediately upon waking, the thoughts are there, and the battle begins?

What battles, you ask?
To get up or go back to sleep
To read the bible or take a shower
To go to the club or go in early to work
To trust God’s truth or Satan’s lies

So I find myself replaying the words of worship music or quoting scripture to combat depressing or anxious thoughts. Then it struck me. This mental battle will go on for hours if I don’t act on it and take the first step. The first step? Which direction?

Stay in bed and pull the covers over my head or place my foot on the floor and walk in trust of what God promises? So it comes down to a single second of time, because that is all it takes to take a single step.

Now, the question is how long do I want the battle to go on? My time becomes the commodity. I can control how much time I want to spend in the battle. The quicker I decide, the faster I will see the results.

Get up now and I start to win the battle for the day.

Every step I take today adds to my trust in God.

Remember there really is no such thing as no momentum. Although I may be physically still, my mind is always moving either toward God or away from Him.

Are the words I hear that describe the love of Christ just words on paper or sung in a song? Or are they the powerful transforming words of an almighty God?

I can choose when and which direction I want to step. God will do everything in His power to lay the decision at my feet yet, in the end, I must choose.

Just a Thought…