Stop Trying

But we must learn that God accepts nothing of the old life! Instead of being on the side of our prejudices, He is deliberately removing them from us.  God pays no respect to anything we bring to Him. There is only one thing God wants of us and that is our unconditional surrender.

Oswald Chambers 10/23

I have to stop saying “Oh, I figured this or that out about God or his plan for me or mankind.”  My opinions and preconceived thoughts are of no relevance. Total surrender is simply saying “Your will be done Lord, not mine.” Then follow him leaving the desire to understand or rationalize behind you being free to walk with him and enjoying the moment.

I find myself continually trying to break the code, find the secret handshake, or discover the unknown. Yet it’s right in front of me. Let go and be still and know he is God and I am not.


Just a Thought…