The Ask | Just A Thought

The Ask

Ephesians 3:20

20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

When we pray, we ask God for something – be it peace, or love or understanding. It might be healing or comfort, maybe something tangible, like money, a job, transportation. Nonetheless, we are only able to ask for something that we can imagine, which is limited to our own human understanding. God says He is able and will do more than we can ask or imagine. Couple this with knowing that God only has our best interest in mind and His ultimate plan before Him, it appears that we should pray only that His will, not ours be done.

Why would anyone want to limit God to answer a prayer that is bound by our limited imagination? If we knew all the choices truly available to us, perhaps we would have prayed for something different on the list.

Consider a prayer that would be like this:

God, I pray Your will be done today in my life and around the world. I know Your ways are higher and better than I could ever imagine. I desire that You will be glorified and believe that You know what is best for me today. With your strength, I will follow You and trust You, for You have been faithful. I will go about my day with my eyes set upon You and will follow You wherever You want me to go.

In Jesus’ name!


Just A Thought…