“Do not judge a day void of joy just because in contains difficulties.”
I look out my window today and I see a gray sky, feel a chilling wind, getting a sense of gloominess. I don’t physically see joy.
I think about work. I am fatigued, worried, and anxious about trivial matters. I don’t feel joy.
I then spend time with God and He shows me things and gives me thoughts that go beyond my seeing and feeling. He brings me to His spiritual realm.
He transforms my mind from worry to peace, from anxiety to hope and confidence.
He changes my perspective from gloominess to positivity.
On this day, in the midst of gray skies and chaos in the world, I think about this: He is still saving lives. He is still bringing light into darkness.
On this gray day…
Someone is getting married and today is their best day.
Someone just had a baby and they are bursting with joy.
Someone is going home from the hospital.
Someone just got a job.
Someone just received Christ as their savior.
Someone reconciled a broken relationship.
Someone stopped their addiction.
Someone was freed from slavery.
Someone received a check in the mail they desperately needed.
Someone reached out to a lonely person.
God is busy today with His plan, to bring light into this dark world.
Gray skies or blue, it makes no difference to a God whose creation, desires, actions, and deeds are always good and consistent with His plan to love us and restore us to Himself.
So, as I look out at this gray overcast day, I am filled with hope, anticipation, peace, comfort, confidence, courage, strength, and joy.
Just a thought…