The Faster I Get There | Just A Thought

The Faster I Get There

The faster I turn back to Jesus, the faster my life gets back on track.

Prayer is the only way back to God yet, our pride, our distractions, our trust in worldly things will keep us away from turning to Him. However, we all will get to the point of realization that these things will never meet our needs and eventually, we fall on our knees and surrender and begin to pray.

The time in between our first thought that we need help, to the time we seek God, is referred to as the desert. The time we spend in the desert is totally up to us. We can either turn to God immediately, or we can wait. It’s not that God is busy doing something else and we have to wait for Him. He is always there for us. I think this is where we take Him for granted. We know He is there, so we tell ourselves that we want to try handling this trial on our own. “God, we will call you when we need your help.” How foolish we are. We soon will find that our trials will never leave us and had we turned to God earlier, many would have been resolved already.

The faster we turn to God, the faster our lives get back on track. Now, this doesn’t mean the trials go away instantly, for trials can linger for days, weeks, months, and even years. But what does happen immediately upon turning to God in prayer is that we receive his strength to endure them, knowledge to understand, wisdom to discern, joy to persevere, and peace that can’t be described.

How much time do you want to spend in the desert?

You are just a prayer away of turning back home.

Think about it, but don’t take too long.

Just a Thought…