The Other Side

I lie awake as I worry about paying too much in taxes.
I lie awake as I worry about how I’m going to pay my bills.

I am tired due to being overweight.
I am tired from not having eaten today.

I am frustrated that my furnace broke and I have no heat.
I am frustrated that I can’t find a place to come in from the cold.

I am looking forward to my wedding.
I am looking forward to my divorce.

I am stressed at all the work I have to do in my job.
I am stressed at how hard it is to find a job.

I long for time alone.
I long to be with someone.

I can’t believe how much health insurance cost me.
I can’t believe I can get medical treatment because I don’t have health insurance.

I pray that God will use me today to help someone.
I pray today that God will find someone to help me.

There is not enough time in a day to get everything done.
The day is so long for I have nothing to do.

I strive to be first in all I do.
He who shall be first shall be last in the kingdom of God.

I am worried about the future.
Be still and know that I am God.

My way or the highway.
God says my way only.

All the troubles of the world scare me.
God say, behold. I have overcome the world.

I am anxious about everything.
God say do not be anxious about anything.

I don’t understand about this or that.
God says don’t lean on your understanding.

Store up for yourself to make sure you have enough.
God says give freely and he will replenish you.

Hurting people hurt people.
Loving people love people.

Man says, “Don’t just sit there do something”.
God says, “Don’t just do something just sit there”.

Learn to trust yourself.
Learn to trust in the Lord.

With all these people problems this business would be easy.
God says he is in the people business.

My neighbor drives me crazy.
God says love thy neighbor.

I hate my enemies.
God says love your enemies.

I will avenge the person who hurt me.
Vengeance is mine says the Lord.

I have not heard from God in a long time.
God says why doesn’t he or she spend time with me?

Why do I walk this path alone?
God says, why does he keep running ahead of me?

I can’t seem to do anything.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I am so tired all the time.
God say come to me and I will give you rest.

I don’t understand how I can find peace in this crazy world.
God says he will give peace that transcends all understanding.


My thoughts exactly says the Lord!!!