The Right-Hand Man | Just A Thought

The Right-Hand Man

Isaiah 41:13

13 For I am the Lord your God
    who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.

When I was six months old, I contracted polio. There was no vaccine when I was first diagnosed in 1954. The disease spread to both my arms, legs and my neck.  Later in the year, the vaccine was released. The cure was a miracle and it went on to heal all my limbs and neck except my right arm. This remained damaged.  I would never have use of the arm again.

Growing up, this became a burden that affected my life not only physically, but emotionally. Learning to function in the world took training by my parents, who were truly amazing. I was taught how to dress myself, cut my food, tie my shoes. I was taught how to play sports. I even made the high school baseball team.  What my parents couldn’t do for me, what I had to learn myself, was how to interact with people and their perception of me. This would become a daily battle for the rest of my life. My right arm became my weak point.

When reading this verse where God says He will take me by my right hand, I felt Him saying I will take hold of your weakness. Do not be afraid, I will help you. He was able to find the area in my life that had the most impact and give me comfort. I know it’s more of a metaphor hat His words and my right hand happen to match up, but I feel He is saying to everyone that, ‘I know your weakest point, the area where you need the most comfort.’

Is it a physical problem, emotional, financial, relational one? Is it your sinful past or current betrayal? Could it be an addiction or maybe abuse? Whatever it is, He will take hold of it and ask you to trust Him and not to fear – to walk confidently into this new day.

I also found it interesting that in this scripture, God is proactive and reaches out and takes your hand. He knows in those weakest areas of our life, we need Him to step towards us. Where most people in the world shy away from helping others in their weakness, God finds it His joy.

Just a Thought…