Three words | Just a Thought by Rich LeBrun

Three Words

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. MARK 4:39 (NKJV)

Have you ever thought about the power of an earthquake, tornado, tsunami or hurricane, or even raging floodwaters.

At times the best man can do is to evacuate and run as far away as possible to protect themselves. We attempt to build structures to defend against such natural disasters but even they fall short many times.

Yet here is Jesus with three simple words “Peace, be still” and immediately the storm ceases. Now that is true power.

When we have little or big storms throughout our life we miss the fact that Jesus has the power to say “ Peace, be still” in the midst of our storms as well. When we turn to him then a calm will settle our hearts just as he calmed the waters.

What are you facing today that you need Jesus to bring calm to?

Is it the fear of Covid, maybe a job loss, or a health concern? Could it be you worried about a loved one or your marriage is on rocky ground? Whatever you are facing, turn toward the one who can bring peace in the midst of your trial.

Listen for his words, “Peace, be still and know I’m God”

