Two Worlds | Just A Thought

Two Worlds

We live in two worlds: the spiritual and the secular. If you give it some thought, it will become clear. Each day we go about doing things of this world. We eat, dress, work, entertain, socialize, explore, and have recreation. Yet, in the midst of this world, we are drawn to prayer, worship, church, and serving all in relationship with God. The two worlds have a mighty force that competes like a game of tug and war.

So, we determine that life is meant to be this way. Living in two distinct worlds. How exhausting this becomes. At the end of each day, we have battle fatigue. Yet there is one unique difference. When we choose to live in the spiritual world, we are called to go into the secular world and bring the gifts of the spirit. This is bringing God’s kingdom and will to be done on earth as it is heaven. Should we choose to live in the secular world, we will be drawn away from the spiritual world, never to return. This living takes from us and is designed only to satisfy the self.

God wants us to be of one mind. The only way to combine the two worlds into one is through submitting to God. We can be a light into darkness, peace in the midst of crisis, support to the worried, comfort to those are suffering and joy to those who are in sorrow.

We are in this world but not of this world.

Just a Thought…