What’s in It for Me? WIFM
As I contemplate heaven, I find that I am trying to figure out what’s in it for me.
What will I do all day? Revelations says, we will worship God all day. My selfishness says, but what about me? When do I get to enjoy heaven? You know, earthly pleasures – heaven style: the best food, best music, best sunsets, best artwork, best teachings, best emotional, physical and spiritual feelings, the deepest companionship, answers to all life’s questions, and even the perfect weather.
Then it occurred to me that I have yet to grasp the true understanding of the meaning to die to self. It’s hard to fathom a world without me, as self, in it. For it is self that I have fought for my entire life, a battle which I find out I should have conceded to God years ago.
So, I am left in the mystery of the Lord’s plan. For each time a piece of me dies, a new part of God grows inside me. There will be a day that my selfishness will be gone, and my soul will be filled with true love for others. That day is called heaven.
Just a Thought…