Waiting | Just A Thought


I sit here at the cross roads.

I wait for God to move me physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Yet God waits patiently across from me

With His arms stretched out.

That fine line that separates us.

I expect God to cross over, to move me, pick me up, whatever it takes to cross over the line.

But God won’t do that.

He wants us to cross over on our own, showing, expressing, acting upon our trust in Him.

He waits patiently for He will never leave us.

He waits lovingly, understanding the struggle we are facing of trusting Him.

He waits eagerly to start sharing himself and to take the burdens we face from us.

Just one outstretched hand, just a split second of vulnerability, just one single step, is all it takes.

Get up, reach out, speak up.

He is there.

Just a Thought…