“At any cost…by any road” means submitting to God’s way of bringing us to the goal.
Is there a difference between our goals and God’s goal?
We all know what type of goals we shoot for, don’t we? Do these goals sound familiar?
Lose 20 lbs.
Stop smoking or drinking
Become a V.P.
Become a VIP
Make the next team
Save a million dollars
Make a million dollars
Married to so and so
Drive such and such car
Travel this place or that
Have x amount of kids
Own a house in that location
Get all A’s in school
Attend this college
Be debt free
Now, do we know what God’s goal is?
To love him and his people
To feed the hungry
To take care of the widow and orphans
To be still and listen to him
Not to worry or be anxious
To lean on his wisdom
To trust him in all things
To live in the moment and not worry about tomorrow
To respect authorities
To speak the truth
To keep our word
To love our parents
To love and teach our children
To be last
To go the extra mile
To leave vengeance to him
To be kind and generous
To tithe
Now God has a way of molding and shaping us to reach his goals. It’s called surrender.
He says he has a plan for us. He says not to worry or be anxious. He said not to lean on our understanding. He says that he will always work things out for good when we surrender to his plan. He says he will strengthen us to do all the things he is asking us to do. He says he will never leave us while he trains us. He says he already forgave us when we screw up. He says to trust him with all our heart, mind and soul. He said don’t worry this world will present enough opportunities, called trials, that he can use for training purposes. The tools he has given us to use are free.
His word
In the end, God says if he can have our full surrendered heart that all else that we wanted will be given to us as well. Interesting though, is as God works his goal out in us, our goals, over time, seem to slowly align with his. The things and accomplishments we thought we wanted will lose much of their luster.
One last thought. God gives the freedom to choose which plan to follow. For each have a different ending. We can follow our plan and even gain most of what set our minds to achieve. However, we take the risk of losing our soul in the end and missing out on an eternal life in heaven with God. Or we can surrender and let God do His work in us and through us by his methods and gain peace here on earth and an eternity with Him in heaven. He won’t force us into submission, it will be our freedom to choose.
We can either say – Have it my way Or Have your way with me, Lord!